Quoting cogNiTioN (cognition@bigfoot.com) on Wed, Mar 08, 2000 at 09:28:11PM+0000:
This is just a replay of what people where discussing on bugtraq when it was still new. That's why the moderator of bugtraq kills those threads.
Some of us were not on bugtraq when it was new. Not all of us were using linux, or even online then (bugtraq started '97 sometime?).
Well, the issue comes up on bugtraq every few months... The reason I am no longer on usenet is because everything is repeating itself there in even shorter cycles. Looks like no one reads archives and just blasts stuff to the world. Hmm, guess I am too old for this world :-(
All Arguments of all sides are already known. You are not going to convince anyone to change her/his view. You are just wasting bandwith.
This does seem to imply that SuSE will not change it's mind on this issue (regardless of their users views)
Our user base is much large than the one following this news group. And they tend to have quite different views. What you see on a mailing list like this one is just a peak of the iceberg.
Just because you seem to be aware of both sides of the discussion, it isn't safe to assume everyone does.
I would assume that anyone seriously interested does research bevore posting.
In defense of SuSE, this issue has been discussed under this thread for quite a while, and seems to be dying out, very little new ground is being covered. I think what was ment was that the _continuation_ of this discussion is useless. Perhaps on this list it is. Perhaps not. I for one
Maybe I was unclear, but that was exactly my intention. cheers afx -- SuSE Muenchen GmbH Phone: +49-89-42769-0 Stahlgruberring 28 Fax: +49-89-42017701 D-81829 Muenchen, Germany May the Source be with you!