Generally speaking the minute you encrypt files any error(s) will probably mangle the majority or all of the archive (so have multiple copies and make sure your tape program somehow verifies the data!). It does of course have it's place for sensitive files. Also rmemeber that the encryption is only as secure as the storage of the encryption key. No single person should have the full key; what if they quit and take a few tapes with them as an employment incentive to your competitor? As well mulitiple people should have access to the encryption keys in case your sysadmin gets hit by a truck. You should also pay attention to storing your tapes securely (i.e. to prevent theft, damage, destruction, etc.) as well as the copy offsite (i..e. a big safety deposit box and set it up wit the bank so two or more people are needed). Kurt Seifried, Securityportal - your focal point for security on the 'net