I for one also miss the documentation that used to be in /etc/rc.config and now does not exist in /etc/sysconfig/ for instance, where is the switch to turn off NSCD?? (If someone knwos how to do this without firing up the runlevel editor in yast2 please let me know!!)
Use the runleveleditor in yast2 or delete the calls for nscd in the /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/ and /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/ directorys (rc3 for network only and rc5 for X)! This doesn't damage anything, because the startscript is in /etc/init.d (don't delete this one!) and it can be reactivated everytime with yast2 again. This is the fastest solution. The nscd is normally not needed if this is a normal workstation and you spare memory by deactivating it. If you run server I think e.g.: postfix needs it. If you got >= 256 MB RAM it doesn't matter. Philippe