4 Apr
4 Apr
Hi, in the last few days i got several request on my firewall box like: Apr 4 17:22:58 router kernel: Packet log: input DENY ippp0 PROTO=6 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx::3737 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:515 L=60 S=0x00 I=21162 F=0x4000 T=48 SYN (#37) what the hell is that? in /etc/services i found: printer 515/udp # spooler so is someone trying to "print" something on my printer or what??? Jan [?][!] newtention technologies gmbh // rathausallee 72-76 // 22846 norderstedt mailto: jan@newtention.de // http://www.newtention.de phone: 040-5 54 45 89 - 3 // mobil: 0178-4777948 // fax: 040-5 54 45 89 - 9 ----- The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck, is probably the day Microsoft starts making vacuum cleaners.