* Emiliano Sutil <emiliano@iranon.com> [2004-04-29 09:14 +0200]:
My problem is that ssh close the connections if there is no activity in the tunnel. I have the property KeepAlive yes in the sshd_config but I doesnt work.
see "Handling network-timeouts" in http://www.jfranken.de/homepages/johannes/vortraege/ssh2_inhalt.en.html#ToC1... for a description of ProtocolKeepAlives, KeepAlive, ClientAliveInterval, ClientAliveCountMax, autossh and various /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ files (to be set in /etc/syssctl.conf). Personally, I'd suggest you to use autossh ( see http://www.harding.motd.ca/autossh/ ), which turns OpenSSH very reliable. I've used it with all my tunnels and screen sessions for years. -- Johannes Franken Professional unix/network development mailto:jfranken@jfranken.de http://www.jfranken.de/