On Tuesday 08 January 2002 06:38 am, Joachim Weller wrote:
It mainly occures when I was forced to "Hard-" power off due to system hangs by cutting off Power. I suspect BIOS/PCI/APIC Interrupt-share Problems for the hangs on my old Mainboard hp Vectra XU6/200. During boot I get always:
When it hangs.... You too? I REALLY like Dualies for linux, but of all the boxes I've put up with reiserfs, its only the dual processor boxes that hang. Its not just Suse either, I used to have this one on Turbolinux and moved to Suse cuz I thought Turbo was hanging too much. My single processor boxes never hang. Never!! And some of them are reiserfs too. (Various Distros). I get lot of apic errors, and can't find anything on the web as to what to do about them. I only get them on the dual Celery boxes, not on the dual PII boxes. -- _________________________________ John Andersen / Juneau Alaska