Hi list, I'm using ipchains on some SuSE 6.4 box with kernel 2.2.19. Recently I implemented a few rules to log and count traffic from portscans (coming from know IP addresses). I use ipchains on this box mainly for accounting really and now I'd like to reset (i.e. set to zero) a few chains. According to the manpage on my system it would go like this: ipchains -Z chain_name (i.e. ipchains --zero chain_name) But nothing happens! Am I missing something or should I be worried? TIA for any input on this. Erwin PS.: ipchains -V says ipchains 1.3.9, 17-Mar-1999 -- Erwin Zierler | web- / host- / postmaster - stubainet.at | erwin.zierler@stubainet.at / webmaster@stubainet.at | Tel.: 0 5225 - 64325 Fax 99 Mobil: 0664 - 130 67 91