I misunderstood your question, then. I wasn't aware these updated kernels had problems - I have 3 9.0 and 1 9.1 systems that don't have any problems running these kernels.
I don't have any problems on one box, because Yast fails to install the patch (maybe depending on the fact, that our T1 line broke during the update). Maybe good or bad or vice versa?
I think we've found it. If you feel like, please try out the kernels of the day (kotd), to be found at http://ftp.suse.com/pub/projects/kernel/kotd/i386/.
There is a kernel update pending to fix the hangs that you might see under some circumstances. And there are some more things in the queue for this update...
Ah this time we have no announcement and officially we are testing everything we get from the list or what? I don't want to be a beta-tester at all or I switch to debian. <A little bit angry about the updatepolicy of SuSE with buggy updates the last time> Philippe P.S.: Please fix the grub setup-problem with scsi and ataraid after installation I cannot boot correctly (I know how to set this up correctly, but it nerves me).