I think someone asked about this a week or so and got a misleading answer. The problem is that if you have no world or group writable executables on your system then seccheck produces a peculiar report, e.g. The following program executables are group/world writeable: - drwx------ 25 root root 2048 Thu Mar 13 10:01:21 2003 . + drwx------ 25 root root 2048 Tue Mar 18 11:32:34 2003 . There is nothing to worry about. The list of files is generated by a line ( nice -n 1 find $MNT \( -perm -30 -o -perm -3 \) -mount -type f | sort | xargs ls -cdl --full-time -- > "$SEC_DATA/write-bin.new" ) 2> /dev/null in /usr/lib/secchk/security-weekly.sh . Because xargs receives no input it generates an ls command with no arguments so it reports on the current directory. I guess the --no-run-if-empty switch would solve the problem but this is a pretty minor bug and I know the SuSE security people have much bigger fish to fry at the moment. Bob ============================================================== Bob Vickers R.Vickers@cs.rhul.ac.uk Dept of Computer Science, Royal Holloway, University of London WWW: http://www.cs.rhul.ac.uk/home/bobv Phone: +44 1784 443691