On Mon, Sep 25, 2006 at 07:10:55PM +0200, Holger Hellmuth wrote:
Marcus Meissner schrieb:
On Sun, Sep 24, 2006 at 11:44:44AM -0400, Carl Hartung wrote:
On Sunday 24 September 2006 11:41, Stefan Tichy wrote:
Hi Marcus
On Fri, Sep 22, 2006 at 03:02:16PM +0200, Marcus Meissner wrote:
x86 Platform: SUSE LINUX 9.3:
ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/i386/update/9.3/rpm/i586/MozillaFirefox-1.5.0 .7-1.1.i586.rpm 746a56a6aa9402287d7c0f054989689c is there some debugging enabled in this browser version?
This should (must) however not harm regular functioning of the browser.
Ciao, Marcus
There is a more serious problem with the update on amd64. firefox fails while loading the shared library libaoss.so, strace shows a bus error. One user couldn't start firefox while others just could not start external programs like acroread.
Easy workaround is to disable the LD_PRELOAD of libaoss.so in the script /usr/bin/firefox, but I haven't checked yet what this does to sound output.
Which distribution? Ciao, Marcus