On Fri, 21 Sep 2001 13:03:36 +0200 Wilhelm Tesnaar <TesnaarW@filpro.co.za> wrote:
Hi all
I am having a problem with allowing a user relaying off my sendmail server/firewall. How can I configure my mail server to allow relaying of mail for a specific user without it being open to the whole world for relaying ? This user roams a lot around the world so Ip's are noit static? I am running standard Suse linux 7.1 Help I am desperate!
Regards Willie Tesnaar
What you want is smtp auth (sasl). This is reasonably difficult on sendmail (but possible) however if you have the choice, I would recomend a switch to postfix, as it is quite simple to do on postfix. While you're at it, you probably want to enable tls (ssl) also.. Let me know if you need help.. -- Viel Spaß Nix - nix@susesecurity.com http://www.susesecurity.com