On Thu, 3 Aug 2000, you wrote:
One of our developers hacked autorpm to work with SuSE Linux as well. You can get the RPM from here (within the nex few hours, mirroring to the outside may take a while): http://www.suse.de/~grimmer/export/autorpm- http://www.suse.de/~grimmer/export/autorpm- This package already includes a suse-update configuration. Enjoy!
I checked the dependencies, and discovered that I don't have perl_net installed - nor can I find that package on the distribution CDs or on any SuSE site. Besides, I have to admit that enabling this feature on a production server seems somewhat scaring to me (especially since site-hijacking and other DNS troubles are not so uncommon in these days...). I'd probably try it for a while on a user's workstation. Greetings, Simon. ==================== Dr. Simone Grabstein listuser@egontek.net ====================