* Dominik Metzler wrote on Fri, Aug 30, 2002 at 11:20 +0200:
Hello everybody, tying still to conf. my remot to log in without any passwd using the SSH Key Authentication. I generate a key via ssh-keygen. copied the "identity.pub" file
I would suggest to use protocol 2 since it's advanced.
into the "remote:/$HOME/.ssh" --> appended the file to the "authorized_keys" file. than I restart the sshd on both machines
Well, usually there is no need to restart sshd. And as already told, no need to have it run on the client.
--> try to log me in to the remote-machine via ssh and the result was that I had to enter the remote passwd again.
Please try the "-v" option. This generates a lot of debugging output which should help you. ssh-keygen -t dsa and stuff was already described in another mail. Also don't forget to check /var/log/messages (specially on server side). SSH checks the permissions of .ssh and much more. SSH refused functionality if it seems to be an broken setup - but in such cases, this is logged of course. oki, Steffen -- Dieses Schreiben wurde maschinell erstellt, es trägt daher weder Unterschrift noch Siegel.