28 Jan
28 Jan
Hi, I'm using SuSE 7.0 Professional to build a firewall. I've installed the necessary packages, upgraded to latest release and after running "harden_suse yes" opensshd just refuses to accept connections, the following message appears on the logs: Jan 27 15:53:32 maestro sshd[887]: refused connect from ( sshd is running, of course. Last week the same problem occurred on another machine and it was "solved" (?) uninstalling openssh-2.3.0p1-0 and installing openssh-2.1.1p1-43 (vulnerable) :( Versions: SuSE 7.0 openssh-2.3.0p1-0 hardensuse-2.6-1 rgrds, Bráulio Gergull