I have seen this before on my network and the requests were coming from a misconfigrued WINNT box. On Fri, 30 Mar 2001, Daniel Quappe wrote:
hi volker,
i am using the last unvulnerable bind8-version: bind8-8.2.3-REL but i deny to request the version, maybe this is the reason for thepersistent trying to update...
Volker Tanner schrieb:
On Fri, Mar 30, 2001 at 13:25 +0200, Daniel Quappe wrote:
hi list, but: are there any problems in the software i have to think about with regard to a worst case scenario...;-)
Wich version of bind are you using? Of course you read the security announcements regarding bind wich were posted during the last weeks?
Postings please to suse.com, not .de -- Ich wei� nicht, wieso ihr euch so echauffiert. Die Warnung ist doch wirklich deutlich zu lesen auf der Packung. Da steht in gro�en, deutlichen Lettern: "Microsoft". NAT�RLICH funktioniert das nicht. Mehr als warnen k�nnen sie euch nicht.
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