On Thu, 12 Apr 2001 15:07:22 +0200, you wrote:
You'd lose all the data, that is why using a compressed tarball on tape is a bad thing. Either compress files individually or maybe rely on the builtin hardwarecompression of the tapedrive, if you like.
How can you enable the hardware compression? I only have a logical device which I use with the -f flag of tar program.
The only thing I definitely gzip are logfiles (because typically size decreases by 10-20 times!) YMMV
In my case compression is useful since there are many plain text documents, .doc files, etc. Perhaps the better way is to create a .tar.bz2 archive and save it twice. BTW I'll make daily backup so if a tape results damaged I'd only loose one day of work (that being pesimist because it's difficult both tar's [original and duplicate] get damaged). =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ** RoMaN SoFt / LLFB ** roman@madrid.com http://pagina.de/romansoft ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~