Yasholomew Yashinski wrote:
On Sat, 4 Mar 2000, John Grant wrote:
How many people sit 24/7 reading security mailinglists?
I assume people are subscribed because they want to recieve security updates are they're dicovered, not when someone decides they have time to post them.
No SA worth the title would need to take that much time to keep up. Besides, that's like asking, "what if the night-watchman falls asleep?".
I guess I should imform my employer (who I'm willing to bet is a bigger "player" then your employer), that I have to wait for the John Grant[tm] approval I'm worthy? If the night watchman falls asleep you should look for a new employee.
What if sysadmin is at weekend trip with his sailing boat?
If the night-watchman takes the weekend off then you get someone to take his place. Or you do without, make sure you lock the doors as best you can, and take your chances.
And so this states your position on security. Unlike you, I would assume most users on this list care about their systems/networks.
please stick to facts - i am not interested whose boss is the bigger player or who is better in security - i am here for security and for discussion of it *greetz* from Vienna Trema ps flame me if you wish, i do not care -- Johann Georg Hautzinger, email: trema@eic.at, Tel.: 531 00 1907 Erste Bank AG - OE 0423 - Orga./Entw. Treasury u. Orga.Wertpapier Boersegasse 14, 1010 Wien http://treasury.erstebank.at