Yup, On 30-Oct-01 Andreas Achtzehn wrote:
From: Kurt Seifried [mailto:listuser@seifried.org]
Reserved class A's you should NEVER see traffic from (at least until they start getting desperate for IP's): [...]
Where do you derive that information from? Right now some of the networks still belong to IANA (--> unused), but how can a system administrator be
sure that the network won't be opened within the next few days? In worst case I'd deny access to my network for 254^3 IPs.
updates concerning reserved IANA netblocks can be found on http://www.iana.org/assignments/ipv4-address-space . Take a look at it every month or so... All the address blocks marked as "IANA - Reserved" should be blocked on the FW; no legitimate traffic should come from there.
Regards, Andreas
Boris Lorenz <bolo@lupa.de> ---