On Mar 30, Richard Mixon (qwest) <rnmixon@qwest.net> wrote:
We need to add an additional IP address to provide an additional SSL certificate on a different Apache2 virtual host.
2) Should I use the ip-alias facility for doing this? I found mention on one post that since kernel 2.4 this facility has been superceded by features in the firewall. Not sure how, nor could I find any hints. I can only answer your second question. To add more than one IP address to a SuSE box, edit /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-eth0 and modify it to look like this:
IPADDR_A='' NETMASK_A='' IPADDR_B='' NETMASK_B='' Although I belive,that the NETMASK could probably even be left alone, and you just have IPADDR_A, IPADDR_B, etc. instead of the original IP_ADDR. Markus PS: Richard, your linebreaks are missing. Probably because outlook is just broken sh*t ... -- __________________ /"\ Markus Gaugusch \ / ASCII Ribbon Campaign markus(at)gaugusch.at X Against HTML Mail / \