On 26 Jan 2052, at 28:120, Jan Hildebrandt wrote:
Well, I'm not sure if a scan legally is considered an attack, but security aware admins *do* consider it at least a kind of attack.
Hi, that depends, here in Austria we have currently no such judgements, but if compared to the real world, I assume, that if you do not have a good reason to do a portscan, it was defenitely illegal, likewise, if a burglar is catched while trying to find a weak point at a door with his tools, this is treated as an attempt to break into the house and he will be sentenced like he was caught after successful breaking into that house. Allthough other lawsystems require the break in to be successful to sentence. On the other hand, it is known, that e.g. cable-tv companies that provide ISP services that do not allow servers to be run by their customers, do portscans to find out, whether some of their customers have such services in action. mike