On Wednesday 21 April 2004 20:41, Rafael E. Herrera wrote: <snip>
This brings forward a problem with how the system notifies the local user about this kind of things. It is not obvious how a normal user (the one that purchases the pro or personal version) should configure its system to receive local email. I'm one of those who gets his email from external pop or imap servers, I keep local copies of my email at my home computer and at several offices. I use mozilla, which has to go through hoops to retrieve local mail so I hardly ever get to see those notices. User/Admin notification is something that needs improvement. <snip>
Isn't this functionality provided in your system via the update-desktop.desktop link? This file is generated upon every new installation and/or update that has any type of administrative notifications. Now, there may be some question as to why there wasn't a notification placed within the rpm package itself; but that is up to the packager/maintainer to determine. The /sbin/SuSEconfig application will generate this file; if there is one available. IMHO - that should be the problem as far as notfication is concerned. As far as files being "snatched" up ----- isn't that covered by package requirements/dependencies in the rpm installation? Your rpm system should not allow the file(s) to be removed( i.e. the update should not be installed as well); because another package would be broken --- thus a fatal conflict. Unless you installed one or the other via source; or you forced the update. Thomas