Carlos E. R. said:
Yesterday evening I had three crashes. Around 10-20 minutes after actively using the computer, it suddenly became very sluggish, the mouse jumped, and finally froze completely, within 15" of the first symptoms: not even num-lock key/led worked. After rebooting, nothing showed in any log.
The last time I was fast enough to jump to console-10, and I saw this line appearing (hand copied):
kernel: hdb dma_timer_expiry: dma status= 0x64 [...] Thinking that it could be the last kernel upgrade, I have reverted to, and so far, it is working...
I don't think this problem affects only the latest Suse kernel. It seems to be a bug common to all "new" IDE driver versions. I have the same behaviour on my home PC under Debian Sarge (kernel 2.6.8...) and Suse 9.0 (kernel 2.4.18...), but only if I switch the harddisks to MWDMA. With UltraDMA, the error frequency is higher, but after some time the driver disables DMA completly and resets the IDE bus thus avoiding the crash. Until now, I had no problems with disabled DMA (but that is not an option for a multimedia PC with video editing/playback). Some more observations: I have 3 IDE harddisks, but only the newer ones (Samsung 120GB, ATA7 and Seagate 160GB, ATA6) are effected by these DMA timeeout errors. The older drive (IBM 30GB, ATA5) runs without problem. Changing all IDE cables made no differences. I tried nearly all possible drive connections (IDE bus 0/1, master/slave), but the errors always effect the same drives (with no noticeable change in the error rate). -- Michel Messerschmidt, lists@michel-messerschmidt.de