I solved a similar problem configuring an internal DNS server and pointing the web/ftp server names to the internal IP addresses. Or do you want to be able to access your servers with the external IP addresses and not the given hostnames? Perhaps an entry in /etc/hosts will work for you, depending on what kind of network you have (Unix/Linux or other not using /etc/hosts, or too many Unix/Linux so updating /etc/hosts would be painful so beter configure a DNS server?) You could also filter packets coming from your local network on the firewall with destination IP set to your external servers and change their destination IP to the local one. (static NAT) Have a look at the iproute2 package! ip route add nat ... via ... Lots of possibilities as you can see! Bye, Richard -- Richard Ems ... e-mail: r.ems@gmx.net ... Computer Science, University of Hamburg Unix IS user friendly. It's just selective about who its friends are.