Dear All, I have reported a couple of YaST2 bugs to SuSE, and one of them has security implications that people should be aware of. I was using yast2 to install extra packages on a running system, and was having great difficulty because yast2 kept on hanging after I had made my package selection. So I used the feature (available on the Extras button) to save my configuration then loaded it on the next run. After loading the configuration yast2 took it upon itself to reinstall from CD all the packages that were already installed as well as the new ones I had requested. This was irritating, but what makes it much worse is that it *downgraded* packages which had had security updates installed. So I would warn people: when you run yast2 watch what it does and always be ready to reinstall your security updates if necessary. Bob ============================================================== Bob Vickers Dept of Computer Science, Royal Holloway, University of London WWW: Phone: +44 1784 443691