First: Many thanks, Frank :) Frank Derichsweiler wrote:
On Thu, Apr 06, 2000 at 10:52:26AM +0200, Francisco M. Marzoa Alonso wrote:
how to deactivate them if i need, but i cant find how to put out 113 (auth), 443 (https) and 514 (shell ?).
443: Look at /etc/http/httpd.conf There is a section for https, you have do disable and reload apache config (possible via sh /sbin/init.d/apache reload )
I'm over this, please fell free to see my last message related.
514 maybe syslog.
You're surely on right. I don't know very well what exactly syslogd do... so... is it just needed for remote logs or is really *needed* for log info locally? Thank you very much everybody :)
HTH Frank
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-- Francisco M. Marzoa Alonso Nuevo Mundo - Dpto. Informático ICQ#: 62850923 Henri Dunant, 19 - 28036 Madrid tfno: +34 91 343 18 40 ext. 207 España / Spain fax: +34 91 350 28 45