Am Dienstag, 25. März 2003 15:18 schrieb Peter Wiersig:
Have you tried to reinstall the nividia-kernel package and ran "depmod" afterwards. If the interface and compile options were the same even the nvidia module should load.
Did that. it _did_ load, just that my machine crashed when starting X11. Without any hints in ~/.X.err or /var/log/XFree86.0.log at all.
Another alternative is the use of the nvidia-kernel.src.rpm to build the kernel module on your machine. But you need additional software for that, which I would not install on a gaming machine.
well its not only a gaming box but I _do_ have a few games on it ;) The 'additional software' would be no problem. bye, [MH] -- Die unaufgeforderte Zusendung einer Werbemail an Privatleute verstößt gegen §1 UWG und 823 I BGB (Beschluß des LG Berlin vom 2.8.1998 Az: 16 O 201/98). Jede kommerzielle Nutzung der übermittelten persönlichen Daten sowie deren Weitergabe an Dritte ist ausdrücklich untersagt! gpg key fingerprint: 5F64 4C92 9B77 DE37 D184 C5F9 B013 44E7 27BD 763C