On Tuesday 17 February 2004 19:04, Robert Schiele wrote:
But this makes posting to the list much more inconvenient that do not use PGP regularly. And finally it does not help that much. If someone builds such an exploit, he could as well generate a random PGP key and register it for the mailing list. --- In principile this could also be done automatically by a virus itself, although most viruses are far from that complexity nowadays.
Maybe it is an idea to ditch all mail with certain attachments (.pif, .exe and a few other commond Windows executables come to mind). Since we're all running SuSE Linux in one way or the other, there is only a remote chance that there is any good in a message if it contains such an attachment. In fact, I'm rejecting these kinds of attachments on incoming e-mail for a while (so I missed the e-mail starting this thread). Most of the recent virus outbreaks didn't even reach the virusscanner... Best regards, Arjen