For the "dotted" name the only solution I know is to rename the username after adding her/ him to the system in /etc...
Hi there, i use the program webmin to add users with a "." in the name. It ist available under There you also can choose an other home-path for the user, for example: v.lieder, home/vlieder and so on.... Works fine, V.Lieder
-- Eat, sleep and go running, David Huecking.
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on a suse linux 8.1 box, doing
useradd -s /bin/false -d /... and-so-on ... b.richards
to add a mailuseraccount, I always got the reply:
invalid username
The same with
useradd -s /bin/false -d /... and-so-on b\.richards
OK, then I´m typing ³useradd brichards², editing the /etc/passwd as well as /etc/shadow (e.g. setting in the dot manually), then typing in
On Fri, 28 Mar 2003, lars wrote: the password, ....