El sáb, 15-02-2003 a las 20:25, Michael Hoeller escribió:
until now I don't scan my Linux only system for viruses, but since I get more and more MS Word Documents which I open with OpenOffice I fear that I get macro viruses, since OO convertes quite well. Do I need to be afraid of these viruses?
I don't think so... I suppose that OO have better security and don't execute macros on opening the infected file. Antivirus software also usually checks for trojans, backdoors and some exploits, so is not only for virus that you could consider to use them
With Windows I used in the past f-prot (www.fprot.org) to scan my system, this is now also availabel for linux. How is the experience with this program?
Not tried f-prot for linux... avp for linux, in the other hand, seems to be very good (at least at the mail server I'm using it)
I thought of installing the f-prot start command in KMail so that the Mail directory will be scanned when a Mail is received. I this a good idea or is thee a better solution for a dialin connecton?
There are several script that are invoked at procmail level or so that checks mail for virus (you can configure several antivirus) and spam. I think that this is better than only let f-prot check your mail. -- Gustavo Muslera <gmuslera@internet.com.uy>