Thanks. I feel fou4s is better than YOU. My kernel is k_deflt-2.4.19-120 and YOU can not detect the new kernel patch for me by running system update. I have tried with SUSE site. The question is that the site is password protected. Is there workaround of it or how can I get the login info. Ben On Apr 16, Gao, Ruidong <> wrote:
Where is patch description file in disk. Is that bundled with fou4s or SUSE. Where can I find a template of it?
The patch descriptions are on the FTP Server. You can use any of them as template, e.g. hes/XFree86-51260
I came to run fou4s and ended up with following error message: ---------------------------- linux:/home/ben # fou4s -u You are using and a business product, this will probably not work. [...] What's wrong with it.
You need to use as update server and supply SuSEUser and SuSEPassword in fou4s.conf, because updates for business products are on password protected servers. I'll make the error message more clear in the next version. Markus