Mass Mailer Array, part of the HVMS stuff: http://store.sendmail.com/pdfs/datasheets/ds_hvms.pdf Basically a way to pump mail out in huge volumes or time sensitive windows, like account updates for Banks or Airline info for ticket tracking. This says 500k per hour (CYA), but on SuSE SLES I have seen 9.5 million over 8 hours in the Lab, better than FreeBSD with Soft updates, simply because of the threading advantages in SMP. Regards, Jon ----- Original Message ----- From: "Ben Rosenberg" <ben@whack.org> To: <suse-security@suse.com> Sent: Monday, April 15, 2002 11:08 AM Subject: Re: [suse-security] Sendmail out-of-box secure enough?
* Steffen Dettmer (steffen@dett.de) [020415 01:56]: :: ::What is a "MMA Milter"? I have no real testing, since on most ::cases the networks or remote MTAs are much slower, by this I ::think postfix, qmail and sendmail are at least fast enough :) ::
When you see "milter" think of mail filter. As far as the MMA milter I would check out sendmails site.
As far as relaying is concerned you should most likely specify in /etc/mail/access who can relay and deny all others. I don't believe this is configured by default in SuSE. I've also bitched for years that they should stop having it start with the -bd switch. Taking the -bd switch out of the options for when sendmail starts will make it so it doesn't accept connections..it just sends mail out. If you have a webserver or something else that isn't a mailserver at all..then you don't need to accept mail, just send. :)
--=====-----=====-- mailto:ben@whack.org --=====-- "I've never been quarantined. But the more I look around the more I think it might not be a bad thing." -GC --=====-----=====--
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