Hi List, well, this didn't work for me. I'm using SuSE 8.0 dual athlon 1GB ram. I installed the downloaded k_smp-2.4.18-243.i386.rpm kernel and proceeded like told in the announcement. rebootet, kernel panic. /etc/sysconfig/kernel: INITRD_MODULES="jbd ext3" new one: INITRD_MODULES="swap ext3 jbd" didn't change anything, so rechanged to the old one. what helped was changing my lilo.conf to append = "noinitrd" what i'm wondering about is, mount shows me, all my partitions are mounted ext3 as it want them, but i thought noinitrd would change them to be mounted ext2. so, is there any problem changing my lilo.conf that way and what should i know? or did i miss any discussion? thanks and sorry if it's just stupid. Marc Ralf Farke wrote:
Thanks a lot for this hint,
i had the same bootproblems (kernel panic) like the other's with a dual-pentium system and vortex scsi-raid. Just changing jbd - ext3 and the systems works fine again.
Thanks again to all,
Ralf Farke
Dirk Mueller schrieb:
On Mon, 31 Mär 2003, Stefan Proels wrote:
Root-Filesystem is ext3 INITRD_MODULES="aic7xxx usbcore jbd ext3"
swap ext3 and jbd