Hi! On Sun, 24 Oct 2004 02:07:47 +0200 (CEST), Carlos E. R. <robin1.listas@tiscali.es> wrote:
I'll try again :-)
When we post an email, it goes out with a "From" header with our own address. There is also a hidden header, added automatically later, called "envelope from" - the reason doesn't matter, and I don't know with precision. There is a mail howto that explains it, I think.
OK, I got it now... I think I just got confused as I didn't find header named envelope-from... I once wrote a simple program for sending email. I was quite surprised how easy it was to fake everything. That was years ago, but perhaps it's still the same.
And of course, only works for those posters capable of setting it, not for everybody. For example, not for me.
Same here.
- Replies to the list (not to the sender like here)
Arguable. It also has other problems. Don't think will ever change.
You know that the welcome email to some of SuSE email lists actually recommends always replying to the original poster, not to the list, and when finally the problem is solved, the original poster should post to the list a second time, explaining the solution. This is on the Spanish list (R5.4). It was not before.
The version I got just said that "It's better this way. Trust us." Which is why I'm answering to the list (as usually with the lists)... comments like this somehow do not convince me :-) And in this case, I think the conversation is important. But sorry for breaking the rules. I'll try to remember that better in the future.
- Check the posts for list admin footer, if it is included bounce. This gets rid of sloppy quoting also as if the footer is included, then somebody replied to the email, wrote their answer on top and included everything else without deleting unneeded stuff. Not nice, so bounce. Bots automatically answering always include everything and thus they are bounced.
Ah, interesting trick... it should bounce with an explanation, or will cause endless complaints.
Yes, it does send a bounce message about it. Of course there are sometimes confusion emails from members that actually didn't read the bounce, but not really complaints about the method. That is generally accepted as there is a good explanation for it.
- If some bot is actually subscribed, kick them out (some subscriber might set up a holiday notification...)
Manually? That is done here also, of course - when found. Some are difficult to track, it appears.
Yes, manually. If only list members are allowed to subscribe, shouldn't it then be easy to see who "is a bot"? Ah, yeah it should. But here as the replies come to the sender and not to the list, only the senders are seeing those bots and not the list admin or others. And as they do not see the problem... there is no problem. Or? -- HG