Hello list, Reiner, ----Original Message---- From: Dr. Reiner Pietrzak [mailto:suse@crasswerk.de] Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2005 4:30 PM To: Marcus Meissner Cc: suse-security@suse.com Subject: Re: [suse-security] SUSE Security Announcement: Mozilla Firefox,Mozilla various security problems (SUSE-SA:2005:028) To start let me say two things: First of all, this mailing list is englisch spoken. To all reader not speaking german: Reiner has a problem with the firefox update, that he had to reinstall all extensions to get firefox to work... Second: IMHO it is only polite to start a mail with a "hello" or something like this and to end it with a "bye". But you sure have to choose on your own, wether to be polite _or_ getting answers...
Mir hat dieses Update meine komplette Firefox-Installation zerschossen. Erst nachdem ich radikal alle Extensions aus meinem Verzeichnis gelöscht hatte, ließ sich Firefox wieder verwenden. Damit fehlt natürlich die deutsche Sprachoberfläche und andere nützliche über extensions erreichte Verbesserungen in der Benutzeroberfläche.
Sure, that is not really funny. But it is a problem of firefox itself, not of SuSE.
Mindestens der Hinweis, dass Extensions durch fehlende Versionskompatibilität Probleme machen könnten und deshalb das Update mit Vorsicht zu handhaben sei (am besten die vorhandenen Extensions vor dem Update deinstallieren und anschließend in aktualisierter Form wieder installieren) wäre hilfreich gewesen!
I cannot believe that this mailing list is everything you read about security or computers at all. One short view at, let's say the german spoken Heise Ticker should have shown you that there are some issues with firefox 1.03 and it's extensions on multiple platforms, not only SuSE. But sure it is much more easy to post some some bullshit in the wrong language in a mailing list...
Am Mittwoch, den 27.04.2005, 16:50 +0200 schrieb Marcus Meissner:
[...] 3) special instructions and notes
here could have been inserted hints concerning update of extensions and possible version conflicts!
As i said, you should have get additional infos... Kind regards, Dirk Janssen « -- Dirk Janssen | Fon: +49 (0)641 9502070 | PGP-Key available Giessen, Germany | Fax: +49 (0)641 9502071 | at pgp @ dja-it.de | | Subj. "Send PGP-Key"