hi all, SuSE 6.0 provides a solution for MIT-Cookies in conjunction with startx almost out of the box. one just has to find (!) and activate it. from /etc/skel/.xserverrc.secure (in package aaa_skel-98.12.10-0.rpm): # move this file to ~/.xserverrc, if you don't want to allow # everybody to get access to your X-Server copying /etc/skel/.xserverrc.secure to /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/xserverrc istaead of to ~/.xserverrc enables MIT-Cookies for all users of the system. (SuSE: why not doing this in the default installation?) btw: there is a startx-related local security issue. when you fire up X11 using startx, xlock the screen and walk away, someone with access to the keyboard could just switch back to the text console, background the startx process, kill the xlock process and thus gain full access to your Xsession. this can be prevented by using something like (startx &); exit instead of startx. michael ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Michael Bausch Arbeitsbereich Funktionalanalysis // Mathematisches Institut // Uni Tuebingen miba@michelangelo.mathematik.uni-tuebingen.de +49 7071 29-78566 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------