Hi. I thought I would notify you of my findings on a possible security problem within suse 6.3. Below is an excerpt about /dev/fd[01] permissions that I wrote a few days ago. I'm not sure if this has been noticed before. If not, I hope the information does you some good. I'd appreciate any responses on the matter that you can give, thanks :).
Old news. :) approx. 1 year ago, i checked the whole /dev tree to make the permissions as secure as posible. The result of my work results in some entries in /etc/permissions.* . Bye, Thomas -- Thomas Biege, SuSE GmbH, Schanzaeckerstr. 10, 90443 Nuernberg E@mail: thomas@suse.de Function: Security Support & Auditing "lynx -source http://www.suse.de/~thomas/thomas.pgp | pgp -fka" Key fingerprint = 09 48 F2 FD 81 F7 E7 98 6D C7 36 F1 96 6A 12 47