On Aug 30, Dominik Metzler <doeme@dplanet.ch> wrote:
tying still to conf. my remot to log in without any passwd using the SSH Key Authentication. I generate a key via ssh-keygen. copied the "identity.pub" file into the "remote:/$HOME/.ssh" --> appended the file to the "authorized_keys" file. than I restart the sshd on both machines --> try to log me in to the remote-machine via ssh and the result was that I had to enter the remote passwd again. Is there anybody who can help me, to solve this problems. identity.pub sounds like ssh-1. If you use protocol2, you need another key file. Try to do ssh -1 user@remotehost ^use protocol version 1
Markus -- __________________ /"\ Markus Gaugusch \ / ASCII Ribbon Campaign markus@gaugusch.at X Against HTML Mail / \