On Tue, Dec 09, 2003 at 01:39:35AM +0100, Philippe Vogel wrote:
Last saterday we had to reset the machine. Remote login over ssh was not possible. The load was steadily climbing to over 40, according to a web interface: http://europa.hostingxs.nl/sysinfo/
All filesystems are reiser. Unfortunately the machine wasn't installed as a
Reiser is fast and looses it's data fast as well, if there are any disc-problems - Better use ext3!
We're using mirroring raid. No problems according to the controller software. Never had any problems with reiser either, and we're using it on all servers.
This is a mailserver, isn't it? If so reliability goes before speed -> no reiser!
backup server / dns server, and it wasn't prepared for use by customers. To be able to use quota I was forced to create two filesystems (document root and mail spool) on loopback filesystem.
Why don't you use postfix, there is a kind of "quota-option" within mailbox-settings /etc/postfix/main.cf e.g.:
That would not solve any kernel problems, now would it? ;-) [...]
activate your quotas after a reboot. Reiser doesn't support quotas (as I know) and that's why I don't use it either.
Reiser does support quota.
Next thing is: /var/spool/mail -> only 1 GB, is that enough if you get more accounts (better use usrquota or the postfix option above, sendmail should have such a feature as well)?
It's a temporary sollution, we've going to move all sites off this server as soon as we have upgraded an old server to suse 8.1. [...]
Maybe you read here:
There were several users having problems with kupdated. This has something to do with the kerneldriver for your hd-controller. There were sometimes kernelproblems with RAID drivers, like SuSE 8.2 with Promise, or was it 8.1?
We've had severe problems with promise under redhat 7.3. Never again, it's rubbish. Anyway, thanks for your input, especially the mailinglist references. -- Erik Hensema (erik@hensema.net)