Wooh.... this is new... I am in the same situation that I have to run RedHat on my 2 sparcs... Nice to see SuSE has finally come to the party... Now I just have to see if I can convince Everything Linux (www.everythinglinux.com.au) to order it into Australia. (I'm still waiting for my i386 version of SuSE 7.0 to hit our shores.... Hopefully I will get it this week before the whole city shuts down for the Olympics *frown*)
Feel free to download and burn them: ftp://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/misc/sparc/suse-us-sparc Roman. -- - - | Roman Drahtmüller <draht@suse.de> // "Caution: Cape does | SuSE GmbH - Security Phone: // not enable user to fly." | Nürnberg, Germany +49-911-740530 // (Batman Costume warning label) | - -