Hi, On Thu, Jul 05, Maarten van den Berg wrote:
[Sorry, I guess offtopic]
Hi. I just bought SuSE 7.2 and compiled a kernel 2.4.6 from vanilla sources since that is not yet available as update. Apparently, they dropped the support for the scsi-card Tekram DC-315 (DC-390 is still there though).
Support for this adapter never was in a vanilla kernel.
I tried several other drivers and a grep -i tekram ..../drivers/scsi/* but to no avail (card is not recognised). Is it really dropped out of 2.4.x, in 2.2.19 it is there, and works like a charm. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
It is in 2.2.19.SuSE, but not in 2.2.19 vanilla.
Buying a newer card is quite a waste of resources, it only drives a 12/24 GB DATstreamer... ( In fact, I bought the card only yesterday...;-\ )
If you want to have the newest kernel, have a look at ftp.suse.com:/pub/people/mantel/next/RPM. The kernels in this location are currently based on 2.4.7-pre3 and do contain the DC315 driver.
Maarten J H van den Berg -o) Hubert Mantel Goodbye, dots... /\\ _\_v