Although Telnet and RSH are insecure , it is very important to install those application . If you are managing SAN , NAS and any other Network Devices where they not support SSH from a UNIX/Linux box , then Telnet and RSH are the only means of communication . Thanks & Regards, Shashi Kanth WebDev wrote:
I am not a security expert by any means, nor necessarily a "purist", when it comes to installing only the apps I need to run. I do install some apps that I want to tinker with, even though I may not use them regularly. However, I understand that we should avoid using telnet because it is "insecure". Yet, telnet is still installed by default on SUSE, when the secure alternatives seem to be more appropriate. I assume there is a reason for this.
I ask, because I deselected telnet when I installed SUSE 10.0, and duringa repair process, my system reported that telnet was a core app. If we should avoid using it, shouldn't we avoid installing it to begin with?
Thanks in advance for your input. Don