Hi Neal ! Seems like you got no reply yet so I'll give it a try
I was getting hacked from three IP's so I turned on suse firewall.
--> I think it is always a good idea to turn on the firewall, even before one is getting the first hacking attemps :-)
I set the configurations as th screen said. But know I cannot access the web pages, not ssh in (sometimes yes, sometimes NO) Ftp is the same way!!!
--> You should give us more details about your configuration. Is the FW running on a dedicated computer or on your server where also webserver, sshd and ftpd are running ? I assume this configuration. Then you should have a look at point 9 in /etc/sysconfig/SuSEfirewall2 and set FW_SERVICES_EXT_TCP="www ssh" This will help for the webserver and the ssh access and will allow it from everywhere. If you want to allow it from selected IPs/nets only, use FW_TRUSTED_NETS (point 10) In addition, you should use /etc/hosts.allow/deny to restrict access to sshd and /etc/httpd/httpd.conf for apache. Put "ALL:ALL" in hosts.deny and then selectively allow access to sshd in hosts.allow Apache does not honour hosts.allow/deny, only the httpd.conf file ! For FTP, things are a little bit more difficult. Try to search in the list archive for previous threads. It's at: http://lists.suse.com/ If this doesn't help, describe what you want (access from 1 IP, a net or everywhere) and we may help you further. Hope this will help you to get started. You might also want to read: http://www.susesecurity.com/faq/ http://sourceforge.net/projects/susefaq Good luck ! Armin -- Am Hasenberg 26 office: Institut für Atmosphärenphysik D-18209 Bad Doberan Schloss-Straße 6 Tel. ++49-(0)38203/42137 D-18225 Kühlungsborn / GERMANY Email: schoech@iap-kborn.de Tel. +49-(0)38293-68-102 WWW: http://armins.cjb.net/ Fax. +49-(0)38293-68-50