5 Jun
5 Jun
I need to configure our firwall machine for two different static IP addresses on the same ISDN dial-up interface.
I did already configure the alias address for the interface and I can ping or connect to services from the local machine. But any packet coming from the internet via the dial-up line to the secondary IP address is rejected by the firewall (pakets to the primary address pass normally). I tried to configure FW_DEV_WORLD = "ippp0 ippp0:0"
Aliases in IPTABLES and IPCHAINS do not know aliases. There's no ippp0:0, only ippp0. You can only distiguish by ip: -i ippp0 -s and -i ippp0 -s or something like that. Got no clue about SuSE firewall though, but there's no way around the alias limitiation. Peter