Hi folks, We released the last update for SUSE Linux 9.1 today (quagga). This means no further updates to SUSE Linux 9.1 will be published and it can be considered finished aka end-of-lifed aka "done". The update mirror areas will be moved away/removed at some point in the next weeks. Here is a small summary over the YOU patches we released for SUSE Linux 9.1: Total Patches: 639 (300 active, 339 obsolete) Security Patches: 492 (213 active, 279 obsolete) Recommended Patches: 119 (68 active, 51 obsolete) Optional Patches: 28 (19 active, 9 obsolete) This makes 0.9 updates per real day and 1.3 updates per work day. This also makes 0.67 security updates per real day and 1.0 security updates per work day. We have released updates for certain packages multiple times: 20 kernel (nearly 1 per month) 17 php4 13 clamav 11 opera 11 MozillaFirefox 11 kdelibs3 10 squid 10 ethereal 9 phpMyAdmin 9 apache2 7 xine-lib 6 xpdf 6 squirrelmail 6 samba 6 mozilla 6 mailman 6 gaim 5 postgresql 5 libtiff 5 heimdal 5 gpg 5 cyrus-imapd 4 XFree86-libs 4 tetex 4 subversion 4 snort 4 ruby 4 rsync 4 pdftohtml 4 mysql 4 mpg123 4 mkinitrd 4 liby2util 4 kdegraphics3-pdf 4 java2 4 ImageMagick 4 hotplug 4 gpdf 4 gd 4 cups 4 acroread (others are 3 times or less) Ciao, Marcus
participants (1)
Marcus Meissner