Hi, With the release of an mysql security fix on August 13 we have released the last update for SUSE Linux 10.1. (Actually 10.1 was discontinued on May 31st, but the queue took a bit longer to flush from all updates.) It is now officially discontinued and out of support. SUSE Linux 10.1 was released May 2006 and was the base of SUSE Linux Enterprise 10 line of products. It featured a new package management stack, which had problems in the beginning and throughout its lifetime, but which in the next openSUSE releases has evolved to be the fastest and most feature rich available package management system. Some statistics on the released patches: Total: 663 ( -3) Security: 486 (-43) Recommended: 168 (+44) Optional: 9 ( -4) Top issues (compared to 10.0 for some issues): 15 clamav (-2) 14 MozillaFirefox (+2) 12 seamonkey (+6) 12 opera ( 0) 10 cups (+3) 9 MozillaThunderbird (+1) 8 timezone (+3) 8 java-1_5_0-sun (+1) 8 ImageMagick ( 0) 7 OpenOffice_org ( 0) 7 krb5 (+2) 6 squirrelmail (-2) 6 phpMyAdmin (-2) 6 kernel (-3) 6 ethereal (-2) 6 bind (+1) 6 asterisk (new) 6 php5 (-6) 6 xine-lib ( 0) 5 qt3 (-1) 5 openssh (-1) 5 lighttpd (new) 5 kdepim3 (new) 5 flash-player (new) 5 acroread (new) 4 xorg-x11-server (-4) ... rest 4 and lower cut ... Ciao, Marcus