Hi, With the release of an cups security fix on Friday 13th we have released the last update for openSUSE 10.3. It is now officially discontinued and out of support. openSUSE 10.3 was released on October 4 2006. Some statistics on the released patches: Total updates: 715 (+72) Security: 521 (+35) Recommended: 191 (+37) Optional: 3 ( 0) CVE Entries: 1006 (+300) There is a 7% increase in the number of security updates compared to openSUSE 10.2. But there appears to be a 42% increase in CVE numbers fixed. Top issues (compared to 10.2 for issues down to 5): 13 opera (-1) 13 MozillaFirefox (0) 12 java-1_6_0-sun (new, java-1_5_0-sun in 10.2 had 8) 12 cups (0) 12 clamav (-3) 11 kernel (+3) 10 seamonkey (+1) 10 java-1_5_0-sun (+2) 9 wireshark (+2) 9 MozillaThunderbird (0) 9 acroread (+2) 7 moodle (+2) 7 apache2-mod_php5 (+1) 6 xpdf (new) 6 xine-devel (+1) 6 mozilla-xulrunner181 (+1) 6 libxml2 (new) 6 libpng (new) 6 libopenssl-devel (new) 6 flash-player (0) 5 squirrelmail (-3) 5 phpMyAdmin (new) 5 bind (0) 5 apache2 (new) And top issues sorted by CVE (Common Vulnerability Enumeration) count (down to 5) (compared to 10.2 for the top): 123 MozillaFirefox (+7) 110 seamonkey (+33) 75 java-1_6_0-sun (new) 70 java-1_5_0-sun (+47) 58 MozillaThunderbird (+1) 55 kernel (-3) 52 acroread (+42) 46 mozilla-xulrunner181 (+14) 34 flash-player (+22) 34 cups (+17) 28 wireshark (+11) 24 clamav (+5) 23 xine-devel (+17) 21 xpdf (new) 19 ruby (+10) 19 phpMyAdmin (+12) 19 opera (+8) 19 apache2 (+6) 17 poppler (+12) 16 apache2-mod_php5 (-25) 14 libmysqlclient-devel (+5) 12 krb5 (-3) 11 xgl (+4) 11 kdegraphics3 (new) 10 OpenOffice_org (-1) 10 moodle (+4) 10 libopenssl-devel 9 tomcat55 9 python 9 postgresql 8 squirrelmail 8 lighttpd 8 GraphicsMagick 7 libxml2 7 gvim 7 finch 7 cifs-mount 7 apache2-mod_jk 6 xorg-x11-Xvnc 6 qemu 6 pcre 6 ghostscript-devel 6 dovecot 5 xorg-x11-Xnest 5 viewvc 5 openldap2 5 NX 5 novell-ipsec-tools 5 libpng 5 horde 5 gstreamer010-plugins-good 5 gnutls -- To unsubscribe, e-mail: opensuse-security-announce+unsubscribe@opensuse.org For additional commands, e-mail: opensuse-security-announce+help@opensuse.org