Weekly report on updates for d:l:python*
Needed updates for devel:languages:python: These packages don't seem to be available on PyPI: ansible micropython micropython-lib preinstallimage-python python2-pip python2-pycairo python2-setuptools streamdeck-ui These packages need to be upgraded: python-APScheduler (3.10.1 -> 3.10.4) python-CairoSVG (2.7.0 -> 2.7.1) python-Chameleon (3.10.2 -> 4.0.1) python-Fabric (3.0.1 -> 3.2.1) python-Faker (18.11.1 -> 19.3.0) python-GitPython ( -> 3.1.32) python-Glances (3.3.1 -> python-Glymur (0.11.3 -> 0.12.8) python-Lektor (3.3.7 -> 3.3.10) python-Logbook (1.5.3 -> 1.6.0) python-Markups (3.0.0 -> 4.0.0) python-MechanicalSoup (1.2.0 -> 1.3.0) python-Nuitka (1.7.7 -> 1.7.10) python-Pallets-Sphinx-Themes (2.1.0 -> 2.1.1) python-Paste (3.5.2 -> 3.5.3) python-PasteDeploy (2.1.1+git.1652668078.0f0697d -> 3.0.1) python-Pillow (9.5.0 -> 10.0.0) python-Protego (0.2.1 -> 0.3.0) python-PyAudio (0.2.11 -> 0.2.13) python-PyAutoGUI (0.9.53 -> 0.9.54) python-PyGithub (1.57 -> 1.59.1) python-PyHamcrest (2.0.3 -> 2.0.4) python-PyJWT (2.7.0 -> 2.8.0) python-PyMuPDF (1.21.1 -> 1.22.5) python-PyPDF2 (2.11.1 -> 3.0.1) python-PyScreeze (0.1.28 -> 0.1.29) python-PyTweening (1.0.4 -> 1.0.7) python-PyWebDAV3 (0.9.14 -> 0.10.0) python-Pyphen (0.10.0 -> 0.14.0) python-QDarkStyle (3.0.2 -> 3.1) python-QtAwesome (1.2.1 -> 1.2.3) python-QtPy (2.3.0 -> 2.3.1) python-Rtree (0.9.7 -> 1.0.1) python-SPARQLWrapper (1.8.5 -> 2.0.0) python-SQLAlchemy (2.0.19 -> 2.0.20) python-Scrapy (2.7.1 -> 2.10.0) python-Send2Trash (1.8.0 -> 1.8.2) python-SimpleWebSocketServer (0.1.1 -> 0.1.2) python-SpeechRecognition (3.8.1 -> 3.10.0) python-Sphinx (7.1.2 -> 7.2.2) python-Telethon (1.26.0 -> 1.29.3) python-Werkzeug (2.3.6 -> 2.3.7) python-ZConfig (3.6.1 -> 4.0) python-ZEO (5.4.0 -> 5.4.1) python-ZODB (5.8.0 -> 5.8.1) python-aenum (3.1.12 -> 3.1.15) python-aiodataloader (0.2.1 -> 0.4.0) python-aiofiles (23.1.0 -> 23.2.1) python-aiohttp (3.8.4 -> 3.8.5) python-aiomisc (17.3.0 -> 17.3.21) python-aioquic (0.9.20 -> 0.9.21) python-alembic (1.11.2 -> 1.11.3) python-allpairspy (2.5.0 -> 2.5.1) python-amqpstorm (2.10.4 -> 2.10.6) python-annoy (1.17.1 -> 1.17.3) python-antlr4-python3-runtime (4.9.3 -> 4.13.0) python-anyio (3.6.2 -> 3.7.1) python-apache-libcloud (3.7.0 -> 3.8.0) python-argon2-cffi (21.3.0 -> 23.1.0) python-asgiref (3.6.0 -> 3.7.2) python-async_timeout (4.0.2 -> 4.0.3) python-atlassian-python-api (2.0.1 -> 3.41.0) python-atpublic (3.1.1 -> 4.0) python-authheaders (0.14.1 -> 0.15.2) python-autoflake (1.5.3 -> 2.2.0) python-avro (1.11.1 -> 1.11.2) python-bibtexparser (1.2.0 -> 1.4.0) python-bitstring (3.1.9 -> 4.1.0) python-blessed (1.19.1 -> 1.20.0) python-boltons (21.0.0 -> 23.0.0) python-bracex (2.2.1 -> 2.3.post1) python-breathe (4.34.0 -> 4.35.0) python-buttplug (0.2.0 -> 0.3.0) python-cPyparsing ( -> python-cairocffi (1.5.1 -> 1.6.1) python-caldav (0.10.0 -> 1.3.6) python-catkin-pkg (0.4.24 -> 0.5.2) python-cattrs (22.2.0 -> 23.1.2) python-celery (5.2.7 -> 5.3.1) python-cfgv (3.3.1 -> 3.4.0) python-chardet (5.1.0 -> 5.2.0) python-checkdmarc (4.4.1 -> 4.7.0) python-cheroot (9.0.0 -> 10.0.0) python-circuitbreaker (1.3.2 -> 2.0.0) python-ciscoconfparse (1.7.18 -> 1.7.24) python-click (8.1.6 -> 8.1.7) python-click-default-group (1.2.2 -> 1.2.4) python-click-didyoumean (0.0.3 -> 0.3.0) python-click-repl (0.2.0 -> 0.3.0) python-cloudflare (2.11.6 -> 2.11.7) python-cloudscraper (1.2.58 -> 1.2.71) python-cloup (2.1.2 -> 3.0.0) python-coconut (1.6.0 -> 3.0.3) python-colander (1.7.0 -> 2.0) python-compat-patcher-core (2.1 -> 2.2) python-confluent-kafka (2.1.1 -> 2.2.0) python-copr (1.129 -> 1.130) python-copr-cli (1.105 -> 1.110) python-cramjam (2.6.2 -> 2.7.0) python-cron-descriptor (1.4 -> 1.4.0) python-croniter (1.3.15 -> 1.4.1) python-crontab (0.23.0 -> 1.0.1) python-curtsies (0.4.1 -> 0.4.2) python-cx_Freeze (6.15.4 -> 6.15.5) python-ddg3 (0.6.6git~20170824T092521~0ef6b2f -> 0.6.8) python-debugpy (1.6.6 -> 1.6.7.post1) python-deepdiff (6.3.0 -> 6.3.1) python-devpi-process (0.3.0 -> 0.3.1) python-dictknife (0.13.0 -> 0.14.0) python-diff-match-patch (20200713 -> 20230430) python-dill (0.3.6 -> 0.3.7) python-dirty-equals (0.5.0 -> 0.6.0) python-dj-database-url (1.3.0 -> 2.1.0) python-djangorestframework-simplejwt (4.6.0 -> 5.2.2) python-dkimpy (1.0.5 -> 1.1.5) python-dns-lexicon (3.12.0 -> 3.14.1) python-dnspython (2.3.0 -> 2.4.2) python-docformatter (1.4 -> 1.7.5) python-docrepr (0.1.1 -> 0.2.0) python-docutils (0.19 -> 0.20.1) python-dpkt ( -> 1.9.8) python-dropbox (10.4.1 -> 11.36.2) python-dynaconf (3.1.11 -> 3.2.1) python-edgegrid-python (1.2.1 -> 1.3.1) python-elasticsearch (7.6.0 -> 8.9.0) python-email-validator (2.0.0 -> 2.0.0.post2) python-emoji (2.7.0 -> 2.8.0) python-eradicate (2.1.0 -> 2.3.0) python-et_xmlfile (1.0.1 -> 1.1.0) python-exceptiongroup (1.1.2 -> 1.1.3) python-exiv2 (0.12.3 -> 0.14.1) python-extension-helpers (1.0.0 -> 1.1.0) python-factory_boy (3.2.1 -> 3.3.0) python-fakeredis (2.17.0 -> 2.18.0) python-fanficfare (4.25.0 -> 4.26.1) python-fastapi (0.98.0 -> 0.101.1) python-fasteners (0.17.3 -> 0.18) python-fastjsonschema (2.17.1 -> 2.18.0) python-fedora-messaging (3.2.0 -> 3.4.1) python-fido2 (1.1.1 -> 1.1.2) python-findpython (0.2.5 -> 0.3.1) python-flake8-docstrings (1.6.0 -> 1.7.0) python-flake8-pyi (23.1.2 -> 23.6.0) python-flexmock (0.10.8 -> 0.11.3) python-flit (3.8.0 -> 3.9.0) python-flit-core (3.8.0 -> 3.9.0) python-flower (1.1.0 -> 2.0.1) python-flufl.i18n (4.1.1 -> 5.0.2) python-flufl.lock (7.1.1 -> 8.0.2) python-fluidity-sm (0.2.0 -> 0.2.1) python-flynt (0.78 -> 1.0.1) python-forbiddenfruit (0.1.3 -> 0.1.4) python-freetype-py (2.3.0 -> 2.4.0) python-fritzconnection (1.10.3 -> 1.13.0) python-frozendict (2.3.5 -> 2.3.8) python-ftfy (6.0.3 -> 6.1.1) python-ftputil (3.4 -> 5.0.4) python-funcy (1.18 -> 2.0) python-gTTS (2.3.1 -> 2.3.2) python-gast (0.5.3 -> 0.5.4) python-ged4py (0.1.12 -> 0.4.4) python-getmac (0.8.3 -> 0.9.4) python-git-pw (2.4.0 -> 2.5.0) python-glean (1.19.0 -> 1.23.0) python-glean-parser (6.3.0 -> 8.1.1) python-glfw (2.5.5 -> 2.6.2) python-google-api-python-client (2.93.0 -> 2.97.0) python-google-cloud-kms (2.18.0 -> 2.19.1) python-google-cloud-translate (3.11.2 -> 3.12.0) python-graphene (3.2.1 -> 3.3) python-grimoirelab-toolkit (0.3.4 -> 0.3.6) python-grpc-google-iam-v1 (0.12.4 -> 0.12.6) python-gspread (5.7.2 -> 5.10.0) python-gunicorn (20.1.0 -> 21.2.0) python-hammett (0.5.0 -> 0.9.4) python-hankel (1.2.1 -> 1.2.2) python-hanzidentifier (1.1.0 -> 1.2.0) python-hcloud (1.17.0 -> 1.28.0) python-hijri-converter (2.2.4 -> 2.3.1) python-hiredis (2.2.2 -> 2.2.3) python-holidays (0.20 -> 0.30) python-httpbin (0.7.0+git20181107.f8ec666 -> 0.10.0) python-httpcore (0.17.0 -> 0.17.3) python-httptools (0.5.0 -> 0.6.0) python-httpx (0.24.0 -> 0.24.1) python-humanize (4.4.0 -> 4.8.0) python-humanreadable (0.1.0 -> 0.4.0) python-hunter (3.5.1 -> 3.6.1) python-hupper (1.10.3 -> 1.12) python-hvac (1.1.0 -> 1.1.1) python-hypothesis (6.82.4 -> 6.82.5) python-icalendar (4.1.0 -> 5.0.7) python-identify (2.2.13 -> 2.5.26) python-imagecodecs (2023.3.16 -> 2023.8.12) python-immutables (0.19 -> 0.20) python-impacket (0.10.0 -> 0.11.0) python-inflect (6.0.4 -> 7.0.0) python-injector (0.20.1 -> 0.21.0) python-invocations (3.0.2 -> 3.3.0) python-invoke (2.1.2 -> 2.2.0) python-irc (19.0.1 -> 20.3.0) python-isbnlib (3.10.12 -> 3.10.14) python-isc_dhcp_leases (0.9.1 -> 0.10.0) python-iso8601 (1.1.0 -> 2.0.0) python-itemadapter (0.7.0 -> 0.8.0) python-itemloaders (1.0.6 -> 1.1.0) python-iwlib (1.6.2 -> 1.7.0) python-jaraco.classes (3.2.3 -> 3.3.0) python-jaraco.collections (4.1.0 -> 4.3.0) python-jaraco.functools (3.6.0 -> 3.8.1) python-jaraco.itertools (6.2.1 -> 6.4.1) python-jaraco.packaging (9.2.0 -> 9.4.0) python-jaraco.path (3.5.0 -> 3.7.0) python-jdatetime (4.1.0 -> 4.1.1) python-jellyfish (0.8.2 -> 1.0.0) python-jira (3.5.1 -> 3.5.2) python-joblib (1.2.0 -> 1.3.2) python-jsbeautifier (1.14.7 -> 1.14.9) python-json-rpc (1.14.0 -> 1.15.0) python-json5 (0.9.13 -> 0.9.14) python-json_tricks (3.17.1 -> 3.17.3) python-jsonpatch (1.32 -> 1.33) python-jsonpath-ng (1.5.2 -> 1.5.3) python-jsonpickle (3.0.1 -> 3.0.2) python-jsonpointer (2.3 -> 2.4) python-jsonref (0.2 -> 1.1.0) python-jsonschema (4.18.6 -> 4.19.0) python-jsonschema-spec (0.2.3 -> 0.2.4) python-jwcrypto (1.4.2 -> 1.5.0) python-keyrings.alt (4.2.0 -> 5.0.0) python-khal (0.10.5 -> 0.11.2) python-kismet-rest (2019.05.02 -> 2020.5.1) python-kismetdb (2019.05.05 -> 2021.6.1) python-kmatch (0.4.0 -> 0.5.0) python-kmod (0.9.1 -> 0.9.2) python-kombu (5.2.4 -> 5.3.1) python-langtable (0.0.61 -> 0.0.62) python-lark (1.1.5 -> 1.1.7) python-lazy-loader (0.2 -> 0.3) python-lhafile (0.2.2 -> 0.3.0) python-libarchive-c (4.0 -> 5.0) python-libcst (0.4.9 -> 1.0.1) python-libnacl (1.7.2 -> 2.1.0) python-license-expression (30.1.0 -> 30.1.1) python-limnoria (2023.02.11 -> 2023.8.10) python-line_profiler (4.0.3 -> 4.1.0) python-logging-journald (0.6.5 -> 0.6.6) python-logilab-common (1.9.8 -> 1.10.0) python-looseversion (1.1.2 -> 1.3.0) python-lupa (1.14.1 -> 2.0) python-markdown-it-py (2.2.0 -> 3.0.0) python-markdown2 (2.4.6 -> 2.4.10) python-marshmallow (3.19.0 -> 3.20.1) python-maturin (1.1.0 -> 1.2.3) python-mbstrdecoder (1.1.2 -> 1.1.3) python-md2workflow (1.4.18 -> 1.4.19) python-mdit-py-plugins (0.3.0 -> 0.4.0) python-mediafile (0.11.0 -> 0.12.0) python-memory_profiler (0.57.0 -> 0.61.0) python-merge3 (0.0.12 -> 0.0.13) python-meson-python (0.12.1 -> 0.13.2) python-methodtools (0.4.2 -> 0.4.7) python-micropipenv (1.4.5 -> 1.5.0) python-mimesis (4.0.0 -> 11.1.0) python-minio (7.1.14 -> 7.1.16) python-mistune (2.0.5 -> 3.0.1) python-mitmproxy (9.0.1 -> 10.0.0) python-mkdocs-bootstrap (1.1 -> 1.1.1) python-more-itertools (9.1.0 -> 10.1.0) python-msm (0.8.5 -> 0.9.0) python-msoffcrypto-tool (4.10.2 -> 5.1.1) python-mss (7.0.1 -> 9.0.1) python-multipledispatch (0.6.0 -> 1.0.0) python-munch (3.0.0 -> 4.0.0) python-mutmut (2.0.0 -> 2.4.3) python-mycli (1.26.1 -> 1.27.0) python-mysql-connector-python (8.0.19 -> 8.1.0) python-mysqlclient (2.1.1 -> 2.2.0) python-myst-parser (0.17.2 -> 2.0.0) python-napalm (4.0.0 -> 4.1.0) python-nest-asyncio (1.5.6 -> 1.5.7) python-netmiko (4.1.2 -> 4.2.0) python-netutils (1.4.1 -> 1.5.0) python-nh3 (0.2.13 -> 0.2.14) python-nltk (3.8 -> 3.8.1) python-nocasedict (1.0.4 -> 2.0.1) python-nocaselist (1.0.6 -> 2.0.0) python-nodeenv (1.7.0 -> 1.8.0) python-nose2 (0.12.0 -> 0.13.0) python-ntc-templates (3.1.0 -> 3.5.0) python-objgraph (3.5.0 -> 3.6.0) python-oic (1.5.0 -> 1.6.1) python-oletools (0.60 -> 0.60.1) python-opencensus-ext-azure (1.1.6 -> 1.1.9) python-opentelemetry-api (1.17.0 -> 1.19.0) python-orjson (3.8.10 -> 3.9.5) python-ospd-openvas (22.4.5 -> 22.5.4) python-overrides (7.3.1 -> 7.4.0) python-pamela (1.0.0 -> 1.1.0) python-pan-python (0.16.0 -> 0.22.0) python-paramiko (3.1.0 -> 3.3.1) python-parse (1.19.0 -> 1.19.1) python-parse_type (0.6.1 -> 0.6.2) python-parsel (1.7.0 -> 1.8.1) python-parsy (1.3.0 -> 2.1) python-partd (1.3.0 -> 1.4.0) python-patchy (2.6.0 -> 2.8.0) python-path (16.6.0 -> 16.7.1) python-pathspec (0.11.1 -> 0.11.2) python-pathvalidate (2.5.2 -> 3.1.0) python-patiencediff (0.2.12 -> 0.2.13) python-pdfminer.six (20200726 -> 20221105) python-pdm (2.7.4 -> 2.8.2) python-pdm-backend (2.1.0 -> 2.1.5) python-pdm-pep517 (1.1.2 -> 1.1.4) python-pecan (1.4.2 -> 1.5.1) python-peewee (3.16.2 -> 3.16.3) python-pem (21.2.0 -> 23.1.0) python-perky (0.5.5 -> 0.9.2) python-pgmagick (0.7.4 -> 0.7.6) python-pikepdf (8.2.1 -> 8.4.0) python-pingparsing (1.4.0 -> 1.4.1) python-pip-run (8.8.2 -> 12.1.0) python-pipdeptree (2.7.1 -> 2.13.0) python-platformdirs (3.5.1 -> 3.10.0) python-platformio (6.1.5 -> 6.1.10) python-plumbum (1.7.2 -> 1.8.2) python-pmw (2.0.1 -> 2.1.1) python-podcastparser (0.6.9 -> 0.6.10) python-polib (1.1.1 -> 1.2.0) python-pooch (1.3.0 -> 1.7.0) python-port-for (0.6.2 -> 0.7.1) python-portend (3.1.0 -> 3.2.0) python-portpicker (1.5.2 -> 1.6.0) python-pre-commit (2.21.0 -> 3.3.3) python-prettytable (3.7.0 -> 3.8.0) python-prometheus-client (0.17.0 -> 0.17.1) python-prompt_toolkit (3.0.38 -> 3.0.39) python-proto-plus (1.22.2 -> 1.22.3) python-psycopg (3.1.9 -> 3.1.10) python-psycopg-c (3.1.9 -> 3.1.10) python-psycopg2 (2.9.6 -> 2.9.7) python-ptpython (3.0.22 -> 3.0.23) python-ptr (20.2.26 -> 22.7.12) python-publicsuffixlist (0.9.1 -> python-pulsectl (22.3.2 -> 23.5.2) python-py-partiql-parser (0.3.5 -> 0.3.7) python-py3dns (3.2.1 -> 4.0.0) python-py7zr (0.20.5 -> 0.20.6) python-pyOCD (0.22.0 -> 0.35.1) python-pyahocorasick (1.4.4 -> 2.0.0) python-pyaml (21.10.1 -> 23.7.0) python-pybind11 (2.10.4 -> 2.11.1) python-pydantic (1.10.9 -> 2.2.1) python-pydash (5.1.0 -> 7.0.6) python-pydata-sphinx-theme (0.13.1 -> 0.13.3) python-pydicom (2.3.1 -> 2.4.3) python-pydrive2 (1.10.1 -> 1.17.0) python-pyeapi (0.8.4 -> 1.0.2) python-pyee (9.0.4 -> 11.0.0) python-pyfakefs (5.2.2 -> 5.2.4) python-pygame (2.5.0 -> 2.5.1) python-pyglet (2.0.5 -> 2.0.9) python-pygments-ansi-color (0.2.0 -> 0.3.0) python-pyinstaller-hooks-contrib (2023.5 -> 2023.7) python-pyipp (0.11.0 -> 0.14.3) python-pykickstart (3.43 -> 3.48) python-pylast (4.5.0 -> 5.2.0) python-pyleri (1.3.3 -> 1.4.2) python-pylibacl (0.6.0 -> 0.7.0) python-pylibfdt (1.6.1 -> 1.7.0.post1) python-pylink-square (1.1.0 -> 1.2.0) python-pylint (2.17.4 -> 2.17.5) python-pylint-venv (2.3.0 -> 3.0.2) python-pylsqpack (0.3.16 -> 0.3.17) python-pymarc (4.2.2 -> 5.1.0) python-pymavlink (2.4.35 -> 2.4.39) python-pymdown-extensions (9.11 -> 10.1) python-pymetar (1.1 -> 1.4) python-pymilter (1.0.4 -> 1.0.5) python-pymisp ( -> 2.4.174) python-pymongo (4.3.3 -> 4.4.1) python-pyotp (2.8.0 -> 2.9.0) python-pyp (1.1.0 -> 3.0.9) python-pyparsing (3.1.0 -> 3.1.1) python-pyperf (2.5.0 -> 2.6.1) python-pypi-search (1.2.1 -> 1.2.2) python-pypiserver (1.5.1 -> 1.5.2) python-pyproject-api (1.5.1 -> 1.5.4) python-pyproject-metadata (0.6.1 -> 0.7.1) python-pypuppetdb (2.5.1 -> 3.1.0) python-pyroma (3.1 -> 4.2) python-pyroute2 (0.7.3 -> 0.7.9) python-pysaml2 (7.2.1 -> 7.4.2) python-pyscreenshot (3.0 -> 3.1) python-pyshark (0.4.6 -> 0.6) python-pysmbc (1.0.23 -> python-pysol-cards (0.14.2 -> 0.14.3) python-pyspnego (0.9.0 -> 0.9.1) python-pystache (0.6.0 -> 0.6.4) python-pytaglib (1.5.0 -> 2.0.0) python-python-barcode (0.14.0 -> 0.15.1) python-python-box (6.1.0 -> 7.0.1) python-python-crontab (2.7.1 -> 3.0.0) python-python-daemon (2.3.2 -> 3.0.1) python-python-dbusmock (0.24.1 -> 0.29.1) python-python-docs-theme (2022.1 -> 2023.7) python-python-engineio (4.3.4 -> 4.5.1) python-python-for-android (2023.2.10 -> 2023.5.21) python-python-gitlab (3.12.0 -> 3.15.0) python-python-gnupg (0.5.0 -> 0.5.1) python-python-gvm (23.5.0 -> 23.5.1) python-python-jsonschema-objects (0.4.2 -> 0.4.4) python-python-keycloak (2.6.0 -> 3.3.0) python-python-lzo (1.14 -> 1.15) python-python-mpd2 (3.0.5 -> 3.1.0) python-python-multipart (0.0.5 -> 0.0.6) python-python-pam (1.8.4 -> 2.0.2) python-python-poppler (0.2.2 -> 0.4.1) python-python-ptrace (0.9.7 -> 0.9.8) python-python-rapidjson (1.9 -> 1.10) python-python-rpm-spec (0.10 -> 0.14.1) python-python-rtmidi (1.4.9 -> 1.5.5) python-python-slugify (5.0.2 -> 8.0.1) python-python-socketio (5.7.2 -> 5.8.0) python-python-socks (2.1.1 -> 2.3.0) python-python-sql (1.4.0 -> 1.4.2) python-python-stdnum (1.17 -> 1.18) python-python-utils (3.4.5 -> 3.7.0) python-pythonfinder (1.3.1 -> 2.0.5) python-pytoolconfig (1.2.4 -> 1.2.5) python-pytools (2022.1.14 -> 2023.1.1) python-pyupgrade (3.4.0 -> 3.10.1) python-pyvmomi (7.0.3 -> python-pyxattr (0.7.2 -> 0.8.1) python-qcs-api-client (0.21.3 -> 0.23.0) python-qrcode (7.3.1 -> 7.4.2) python-radon (5.1.0 -> 6.0.1) python-rapidfuzz (2.13.7 -> 3.2.0) python-rdflib (6.1.1 -> 7.0.0) python-readme_renderer (37.3 -> 41.0) python-readthedocs-sphinx-ext (2.2.0 -> 2.2.2) python-recordclass ( -> 0.20) python-redfish (3.1.8 -> 3.2.1) python-redis (4.5.5 -> 5.0.0) python-reedsolo (1.6.0 -> 1.7.0) python-regex (2023.5.5 -> 2023.8.8) python-reno (3.5.0 -> 4.0.0) python-repoze.who (2.4.1 -> 3.0.0) python-requests-cache (1.0.1 -> 1.1.0) python-requests-futures (1.0.0 -> 1.0.1) python-requirements-detector (0.7 -> 1.2.2) python-requirements-parser (0.2.0 -> 0.5.0) python-resolvelib (0.8.1 -> 1.0.1) python-responses (0.23.1 -> 0.23.3) python-respx (0.20.1 -> 0.20.2) python-restview (3.0.0 -> 3.0.1) python-rich (13.4.2 -> 13.5.2) python-robotframework (6.0.1 -> 6.1.1) python-rope (1.6.0 -> 1.9.0) python-rpds-py (0.7.1 -> 0.9.2) python-rpmfile (1.0.4 -> 1.1.1) python-rpyc (5.3.0 -> 5.3.1) python-rq (1.15 -> 1.15.1) python-rstcheck (3.3.1 -> 6.1.2) python-rtslib-fb (2.1.75 -> 2.1.76) python-ruamel.std.pathlib (0.9.2 -> 0.12.0) python-ruamel.yaml (0.17.31 -> 0.17.32) python-schedule (1.1.0 -> 1.2.0) python-scitokens (1.7.4 -> 1.8.1) python-securesystemslib (0.21.0 -> 0.28.0) python-selenium (4.10.0 -> 4.11.2) python-sentry-sdk (1.28.1 -> 1.29.2) python-setuptools (68.0.0 -> 68.1.2) python-setuptools-declarative-requirements (1.2.0 -> 1.3.0) python-setuptools-gettext (0.1.1 -> 0.1.3) python-setuptools-git-versioning (1.13.2 -> 1.13.5) python-sh (2.0.4 -> 2.0.6) python-shellingham (1.5.0 -> 1.5.3) python-shodan (1.28.0 -> 1.30.0) python-simpleeval (0.9.12 -> 0.9.13) python-single-version (1.5.1 -> 1.6.0) python-slip (0.6.5 -> 20191113) python-slixmpp (1.8.3 -> 1.8.4) python-smpplib (2.2.1 -> 2.2.3) python-softlayer (6.1.4 -> 6.1.7) python-sortinghat (0.12.0 -> 0.13.0) python-sounddevice (0.4.5 -> 0.4.6) python-specfile (0.20.0 -> 0.21.0) python-sphinx-autodoc-typehints (1.19.2 -> 1.24.0) python-sphinx-book-theme (0.1.3 -> 1.0.1) python-sphinx-click (4.4.0 -> 5.0.1) python-sphinx-jsonschema (1.16.8 -> 1.19.1) python-sphinx-theme-builder (0.2.0b1 -> 0.2.0b2) python-sphinx_rtd_theme (1.2.0 -> 1.2.2) python-sphinxcontrib-applehelp (1.0.4 -> 1.0.7) python-sphinxcontrib-devhelp (1.0.2 -> 1.0.5) python-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp (2.0.1 -> 2.0.4) python-sphinxcontrib-plantuml (0.24.1 -> 0.25) python-sphinxcontrib-qthelp (1.0.3 -> 1.0.6) python-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml (1.1.5 -> 1.1.8) python-sphinxcontrib-websupport (1.2.4 -> 1.2.6) python-sphinxext-opengraph (0.7.5 -> 0.8.2) python-sphobjinv (2.2.2 -> 2.3.1) python-spotipy (2.22.0 -> 2.23.0) python-spsdk (1.10.0 -> 1.11.0) python-spur (0.3.22 -> 0.3.23) python-sqlglot (7.0.0 -> 17.14.2) python-sqlite-utils (3.24 -> 3.35) python-sqlite3-to-mysql (1.4.16 -> 2.0.3) python-sqlitedict (1.6.0 -> 2.1.0) python-srcinfo (0.1.1 -> 0.1.2) python-starlette (0.27.0 -> 0.31.0) python-statsd (3.3.0 -> 4.0.1) python-stestr (3.2.1 -> 4.0.1) python-streamdeck (0.9.3 -> 0.9.4) python-strictyaml (1.6.2 -> 1.7.3) python-stripe (2.63.0 -> 6.0.0) python-structlog (22.1.0 -> 23.1.0) python-sure (2.0.0 -> 2.0.1) python-svglib (1.1.0 -> 1.5.1) python-sybil (3.0.1 -> 5.0.3) python-tableauserverclient (0.18.0 -> 0.25) python-tablib (3.3.0 -> 3.5.0) python-tabpy (2.5.0 -> 2.9.0) python-tblib (1.7.0 -> 2.0.0) python-tcolorpy (0.1.2 -> 0.1.3) python-tenacity (8.2.2 -> 8.2.3) python-termcolor (2.1.1 -> 2.3.0) python-terminaltables (3.1.0 -> 3.1.10) python-tesserocr (2.6.0 -> 2.6.1) python-testfixtures (7.0.4 -> 7.1.0) python-testflo (1.4.9 -> 1.4.12) python-textX (3.0.0 -> 3.1.1) python-thespian (3.10.6 -> 3.10.7) python-threadpoolctl (3.1.0 -> 3.2.0) python-time-machine (2.9.0 -> 2.12.0) python-tinyrpc (1.1.6 -> 1.1.7) python-tld (0.12.6 -> 0.13) python-tokenize-rt (5.1.0 -> 5.2.0) python-tomlkit (0.11.8 -> 0.12.1) python-toposort (1.7 -> 1.10) python-towncrier (19.2.0 -> 23.6.0) python-tox (4.5.1 -> 4.9.0) python-transaction (3.0.1 -> 3.1.0) python-transitions (0.8.10 -> 0.9.0) python-trio (0.22.0 -> 0.22.2) python-trove-classifiers (2023.5.2 -> 2023.8.7) python-trustme (1.0.0 -> 1.1.0) python-truststore (0.4.0 -> 0.7.0) python-ttp (0.9.4 -> 0.9.5) python-ttp-templates (0.3.2 -> 0.3.5) python-tweepy (4.9.0 -> 4.14.0) python-txtorcon (22.0.0 -> 23.5.0) python-typed-ast (1.5.4 -> 1.5.5) python-typedload (2.19 -> 2.24) python-typeguard (4.0.0 -> 4.1.2) python-typepy (1.3.0 -> 1.3.1) python-tzlocal (4.3 -> 5.0.1) python-u-msgpack-python (2.7.2 -> 2.8.0) python-ua-parser (0.16.1 -> 0.18.0) python-uc-micro-py (1.0.1 -> 1.0.2) python-ufoLib2 (0.13.1 -> 0.16.0) python-unearth (0.9.1 -> 0.10.0) python-unidiff (0.7.4 -> 0.7.5) python-unittest-xml-reporting (3.0.2 -> 3.2.0) python-unsync (1.3 -> 1.4.0) python-uri-template (1.2.0 -> 1.3.0) python-uritools (4.0.0 -> 4.0.1) python-urlextract (1.7.1 -> 1.8.0) python-uvicorn (0.22.0 -> 0.23.2) python-validators (0.20.0 -> 0.21.2) python-vcrpy (4.2.1 -> 5.1.0) python-vdirsyncer (0.19.0 -> 0.19.2) python-versioneer (0.28 -> 0.29) python-virtualenv (20.23.1 -> 20.24.3) python-vncdotool (1.0.0 -> 1.2.0) python-voluptuous-serialize (2.5.0 -> 2.6.0) python-vulture (2.1 -> 2.8) python-w3lib (1.22.0 -> 2.1.2) python-wasabi (1.1.1 -> 1.1.2) python-weblate-language-data (2022.9 -> 2023.5) python-websocket-client (1.5.1 -> 1.6.1) python-whatthepatch (1.0.3 -> 1.0.5) python-wheel (0.40.0 -> 0.41.1) python-wheezy.template (3.1.0 -> 3.2.1) python-whitenoise (6.2.0 -> 6.5.0) python-xcffib (1.3.0 -> 1.5.0) python-xdg (5.1.1 -> 6.0.0) python-xhtml2pdf (0.2.6 -> 0.2.11) python-xmldiff (2.4 -> 2.6.3) python-xmlschema (2.3.0 -> 2.4.0) python-xxhash (3.1.0 -> 3.3.0) python-yacron (0.17.0 -> 0.19.0) python-yamlloader (1.2.2 -> 1.3.2) python-yapf (0.33.0 -> 0.40.1) python-yaspin (0.18.0 -> 3.0.0) python-zc.lockfile (2.0 -> 3.0.post1) python-zdaemon (4.4 -> 5.0) python-zeep (4.1.0 -> 4.2.1) python-zeroconf (0.56.0 -> 0.80.0) python-zhon (1.1.5 -> 2.0.2) python-zict (2.2.0 -> 3.0.0) python-zipp (3.15.0 -> 3.16.2) python-zodbpickle (2.6 -> 3.0.1) python-zope.configuration (4.4.1 -> 5.0) python-zope.deferredimport (4.4 -> 5.0) python-zope.event (4.6 -> 5.0) python-zope.exceptions (4.6 -> 5.0.1) python-zope.location (4.3 -> 5.0) python-zope.proxy (4.6.1 -> 5.0.0) Needed updates for devel:languages:python:avocado: These packages don't seem to be available on PyPI: apparmor-rpm-macros gnu-compilers-hpc libsodium openblas suse-hpc These packages need to be upgraded: python-aexpect (1.6.4 -> 1.7.0) python-inspektor (0.5.2 -> 0.5.3) Needed updates for devel:languages:python:aws: These packages need to be upgraded: python-aws-sam-translator (1.68.0 -> 1.73.0) python-boto3 (1.28.27 -> 1.28.30) python-botocore (1.31.27 -> 1.31.30) python-cfn-lint (0.72.10 -> 0.79.7) python-moto (4.1.13 -> 4.1.14) python-pynamodb (5.3.4 -> 5.5.0) python-s3transfer (0.6.1 -> 0.6.2) Needed updates for devel:languages:python:azure: These packages need to be upgraded: python-azure-ai-ml (1.8.0 -> 1.9.0) python-azure-datalake-store (0.0.52 -> 0.0.53) python-azure-mgmt (4.0.0 -> 5.0.0) python-azure-mgmt-quantum (1.0.0b3 -> 1.0.0b4) python-azure-monitor (0.3.1 -> 0.4.0) python-azure-storage (0.36.0 -> 0.37.0) python-azure-template (0.1.0b2840062 -> 0.1.0b2971647) Needed updates for devel:languages:python:certbot: These packages don't seem to be available on PyPI: certbot-systemd-timer Needed updates for devel:languages:python:django: These packages need to be upgraded: python-django-auth-ldap (4.0.0 -> 4.5.0) python-django-axes (5.40.1 -> 6.1.0) python-django-bootstrap3 (14.2.0 -> 23.4) python-django-bootstrap4 (21.2 -> 23.2) python-django-ckeditor (6.6.1 -> 6.7.0) python-django-classy-tags (3.0.1 -> 4.1.0) python-django-codemod (1.11.0 -> 2.1.0) python-django-cors-headers (3.13.0 -> 4.2.0) python-django-countries (7.2.1 -> 7.5.1) python-django-debug-toolbar (3.6 -> 4.2.0) python-django-environ (0.4.5 -> 0.10.0) python-django-filter (23.1 -> 23.2) python-django-graphql-jwt (0.3.4 -> 0.4.0) python-django-grappelli (3.0.6 -> 3.0.7) python-django-health-check (3.16.5 -> 3.17.0) python-django-import-export (2.7.1 -> 3.2.0) python-django-invitations (1.9.3 -> 2.0.0) python-django-js-asset (2.0 -> 2.1.0) python-django-minio-storage (0.5.3 -> 0.5.6) python-django-money (3.0 -> 3.2.0) python-django-mptt (0.14 -> 0.14.0) python-django-oauth-toolkit (1.7.0 -> 2.3.0) python-django-oidc-provider (0.7.0 -> 0.8.0) python-django-phonenumber-field (5.1.0 -> 7.1.0) python-django-pipeline (2.0.8 -> 2.1.0) python-django-polymorphic (3.1 -> 3.1.0) python-django-registration (3.3 -> 3.4) python-django-requests-debug-toolbar (0.0.5 -> 0.0.6) python-django-rest-framework-client (0.1.1 -> 0.8.0) python-django-seed (0.2.2 -> 0.3.1) python-django-treebeard (4.5.1 -> 4.7) python-django-upgrade (1.14.0 -> 1.14.1) python-django-widget-tweaks (1.4.8 -> 1.4.12) python-graphene-django (3.0.0 -> 3.1.5) python-model-bakery (1.9.0 -> 1.14.0) python-social-auth-app-django (5.0.0 -> 5.2.0) python-sorl-thumbnail (12.7.0 -> 12.9.0) python-swapper (1.1.2.post1 -> 1.3.0) Needed updates for devel:languages:python:Factory: These packages don't seem to be available on PyPI: patterns-devel-python pypy3 python python310 python311 python312 python38 python39 shared-python-startup Needed updates for devel:languages:python:flask: These packages need to be upgraded: python-Flask-Caching (1.9.0 -> 2.0.2) python-Flask-Cors (3.0.10 -> 4.0.0) python-Flask-HTMLmin (2.2.0 -> 2.2.1) Needed updates for devel:languages:python:jupyter: These packages don't seem to be available on PyPI: jupyter jupyter-imatlab jupyter-jupyter-wysiwyg jupyter-jupyterlab-latex jupyter-matlab-kernel These packages need to be upgraded: python-jupyter-collaboration (1.0.0 -> 1.1.0) python-jupyter-events (0.6.3 -> 0.7.0) python-jupyter-server (2.6.0 -> 2.7.2) python-nbconvert (7.7.3 -> 7.7.4) python-notebook (6.5.4 -> 7.0.2) python-ypy-websocket (0.8.4 -> 0.12.1) Needed updates for devel:languages:python:numeric: These packages need to be upgraded: python-GooseMPL (0.12.1 -> 0.14.0) python-PsyLab ( -> 1.0.5) python-PyX (0.15 -> 0.16) python-XlsxWriter (3.0.3 -> 3.1.2) python-altair (4.2.2 -> 5.0.1) python-apptools (5.2.0 -> 5.2.1) python-arf (2.6.1 -> 2.6.4) python-asdf-coordinates-schemas (0.1.0 -> 0.2.0) python-astropy (5.3.1 -> 5.3.2) python-autoray (0.6.3 -> 0.6.6) python-awkward (2.3.1 -> 2.3.3) python-awkward-cpp (21 -> 22) python-blosc2 (2.2.2 -> 2.2.6) python-bokcolmaps (2.0.1 -> 3.1.2) python-bokeh (3.2.0 -> 3.2.2) python-cdflib (0.3.20 -> 1.1.0) python-chartify (4.0.2 -> 4.0.3) python-cluster (1.4.1.post2 -> 1.4.1.post3) python-contourpy (1.0.7 -> 1.1.0) python-dash (2.6.2 -> 2.12.1) python-dask (2023.5.1 -> 2023.8.1) python-datashader (0.15.1 -> 0.15.2) python-deap (1.3.1 -> 1.4.1) python-distributed (2023.5.1 -> 2023.8.1) python-envisage (6.1.1 -> 7.0.3) python-ezdxf (0.16.3 -> 1.0.3) python-fabio (0.14.0 -> 2023.6.0) python-finance_enums (0.1.0 -> 0.3.0) python-girder-client (3.1.20 -> 3.1.22) python-gsw (3.6.16 -> 3.6.17) python-h5netcdf (1.1.0 -> 1.2.0) python-h5py (3.8.0 -> 3.9.0) python-healpy (1.16.2 -> 1.16.5) python-hepunits (2.0.1 -> 2.3.2) python-holoviews (1.16.1 -> 1.17.1) python-iminuit (2.22.0 -> 2.24.0) python-jplephem (2.15 -> 2.18) python-kwant (1.4.3 -> 1.4.4) python-lfdfiles (2023.4.20 -> 2023.8.1) python-librosa (0.9.2 -> 0.10.1) python-llvmlite (0.40.0 -> 0.40.1) python-lmfit (1.1.0 -> 1.2.2) python-matplotlib (3.6.3 -> 3.7.2) python-mizani (0.8.1 -> 0.10.0) python-mpl-animators (1.0.1 -> 1.1.0) python-mpmath (1.2.1 -> 1.3.0) python-ndindex (1.6 -> 1.7) python-ndtiff (1.12.0 -> 2.2.1) python-netCDF4 (1.6.2 -> 1.6.4) python-netpbmfile (2020.10.18 -> 2023.6.15) python-nibabel (4.0.2 -> 5.1.0) python-npTDMS (1.2.0 -> 1.7.0) python-nptyping (2.4.1 -> 2.5.0) python-numexpr (2.8.4 -> 2.8.5) python-o2sclpy (0.926 -> 0.928) python-oct2py (5.0.4 -> 5.6.0) python-openTSNE (0.6.2 -> 1.0.0) python-openpyxl (3.0.10 -> 3.1.2) python-orange-canvas-core (0.1.18 -> 0.1.31) python-orange-widget-base (4.11.0 -> 4.21.0) python-palettable (3.3.0 -> 3.3.3) python-panel (1.1.1 -> 1.2.1) python-photutils (1.8.0 -> 1.9.0) python-plotly (5.14.1 -> 5.16.1) python-pomegranate (0.12.0 -> 1.0.2) python-praatio (4.1.0 -> 6.0.1) python-psychtoolbox (3.0.16 -> python-pydata-google-auth (1.1.0 -> 1.8.2) python-pyemd (0.5.1 -> 1.0.0) python-pyface (7.4.4 -> 8.0.0) python-pyquil (3.5.2 -> 3.5.4) python-pyssim (0.5 -> 0.6) python-python-pseudorandom (0.2.2 -> 0.3.2) python-pyviz-comms (2.2.1 -> 3.0.0) python-pyzo (4.11.2 -> 4.12.7) python-quimb (1.4.2 -> 1.5.1) python-reportlab (3.6.12 -> 4.0.4) python-reproject (0.9.1 -> 0.11.0) python-roifile (2020.11.28 -> 2023.5.12) python-roman (3.3 -> 4.1) python-rpcq (3.10.0 -> 3.11.0) python-rpy2 (3.4.4 -> 3.5.13) python-scikit-build-core (0.4.7 -> 0.4.8) python-scikit-dsp-comm (1.2.0 -> 2.0.3) python-scikit-sound (0.2.3 -> 0.2.12) python-scikit-sparse (0.4.5 -> 0.4.12) python-scikit-umfpack (0.3.2 -> 0.3.3) python-scipy (1.11.1 -> 1.11.2) python-shinyutils (3.1.0 -> 12.4.0) python-sidpy (0.11.2 -> 0.12.1) python-skyfield (1.45 -> 1.46) python-soxr (0.3.5 -> 0.3.6) python-spyder-kernels (2.4.3 -> 2.4.4) python-tifffile (2023.7.18 -> 2023.8.12) python-traits (6.3.1 -> 6.4.2) python-traitsui (7.2.1 -> 8.0.0) python-uproot (5.0.9 -> 5.0.11) python-visvis (1.13.0 -> 1.14.0) python-xarray (2023.5.0 -> 2023.7.0) python-xarray-einstats (0.5.1 -> 0.6.0) python-yt (4.1.4 -> 4.2.1) python-zarr (2.16.0 -> 2.16.1) Needed updates for devel:languages:python:pyramid: Needed updates for devel:languages:python:pytest: These packages need to be upgraded: python-pluggy (1.0.0 -> 1.2.0) python-pytest-bdd (5.0.0 -> 6.1.1) python-pytest-check (2.2.0 -> 2.2.1) python-pytest-doctestplus (0.13.0 -> 1.0.0) python-pytest-httpbin (1.0.2 -> 2.0.0) python-pytest-httpx (0.22.0 -> 0.23.1) python-pytest-mpl (0.12.0 -> 0.16.1) python-pytest-randomly (3.13.0 -> 3.15.0) python-pytest-xvfb (2.0.0 -> 3.0.0) python-syrupy (4.0.8 -> 4.1.1)
participants (1)