John Paul Adrian Glaubitz píše v Ne 10. 01. 2021 v 20:04 +0100:
Non-integrated packages in devel:languages:python: devel:languages:python/python-buildozer devel:languages:python/python-dnspython1 devel:languages:python/python-executing devel:languages:python/python-frozenlist
It seems this has been the last automated update mail.
Is this service still running?
It should be running, but somehow, I cannot manage to get systemd user timers correctly running. So, I run it manually again. Matěj --, Jabber: GPG Finger: 3C76 A027 CA45 AD70 98B5 BC1D 7920 5802 880B C9D8 According to the Franciscan priest Richard Rohr, spirituality is not for people who are trying to avoid hell; it is for people who have been through hell. In many ways, spirituality is about what we do with our pain. And the truth is, if we don't transform it, we will transmit it. -- Al Gustafson