Results from Regular openSUSE Meeting Survey
Hi all, I wanted to provided the results of the regular openSUSE Meeting Survey. The most popular responses are as follows: Day: Saturday at 36.23% Time: 18:00 - 21:00 at 33.33% (followed by 15:00 - 18:00 at 30.43%) Meeting: 50 or 72.46% believe having a weekly meeting is a good idea Will Attend: 44 or 63.77% say they will attend I've uploaded some images for the results. 1- 2 - 3- 4- There were more responses submitted than are in the image. The open is only showing the completed results. However, the total of all responses provide the same results with slightly different percentages. Any feedback on this would be helpful. I just see the times as a factor. Times are in UTC. Should we narrow the times down for a Saturday? Either with another smaller survey? Or just split the difference between the majority of the two groups and schedule two hour meetings between 17:00 and 21:00. This could help us get some people from both major time groups. Thoughts? v/r Doug
participants (1)