Workshop Report from Week 2 (Jan. 10)
Hi all, I wanted to send off a report from yesterday’s Google Summer of Code Workshop we did. We had 20+ attendees show up throughout the hour-long session. We had a few new projects added to We also discussed some items to help increase awareness for the projects we can offer should openSUSE be selected as a mentoring organization. Furthermore, we plan to have a meeting on Feb. 7 at 15:30 UTC to finalize the projects we will include in our application for GSoC. The submission deadline for the GSoC application is at 18:00 UTC on the same date, but all mentoring projects should be listed quickly as evaluations begin after 18:00 UTC on the same day. If you are interested in being a mentor, please create an issue at and with all the details and label it with a tag as either a large-size (350 hrs) or medium-size (175 hrs) project. The submitter of the issue will be listed as one of the mentors. Two mentorings (1 primary, 1 backup) are recommended for a project. We encourage anyone in the community to participate who is willing to mentor as it can help with the specific projects/packages you may be focusing on and serves as a great avenue to bring people into open-source development as well as the project. If you have any ideas for cross collaboration with other organizations/project, we welcome that. Please email if you have any questions about GSoC. I’ll be serving as the admin and be submitting the application for our participation. Have a lot of fun! v/r Doug
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